I am amazing haha I went almost a whole year without posting.
It has been a really long time since i have wrote so alot has happened...
Highlight of April...
KimDuke and I went to California...(fun trip) This is when Kimduke Chopped her hair off...Now its getting so long! ahhh.
Kimdukes Long hair... This was last night.

I went to a dinner for Paul Mitchell, I met my mom in California (i took a cab by myself SCARY!) The dinner was so much fun!
I went to Vegas Three out of the Four weekends in May. Spencer and Zach both left on their missions. Whoa.. Long time ago. It does go by quickly.(its almost feb!)
I moved to las vegas June 18th, best thing ive ever done. I was so ready to get a break from school. I don't care how far behind i am. I had the best experiences while i was out of school... And getting that surgery was the best thing ive ever done.
What happened in July...
I love July 4th... :) 7/11 Slurpee day is amazing... i got my surgery in july. The Dukes took care of me through the whole thing. Kimdukes brother Ryan came home around this time... He wondered who this random girl was, that was always at his house.Doesn't he know i'm basically part of the family!?
August...I went to signature Gathering (hair show for Paul Mitchell In Vegas.) then to Lake Powell with my dad!
We had jet skis that were so sick. we were at the end of a cove and those of you who have ridden jet skis before know they don't have a propeller. So you can go in about 6 inches of water and still be fine.
So Me and Alli would go back there and go whipping in and out of the trees, following each other... but not too close just in case... But then I get on the back of my brothers jet ski and alli gets on the back of my dads and we go back there and we are hauling in and out of the trees. Staying closely behind the other playing follow the leader. My dad would be infront of us and Robbie and i would be behind and were goin and all of a sudden a tree branch is whipping us in the face haha it was so funny we were laughin the whole time. When we would get back from those adventures we would be covered in sage brush, with branches sticking out of our life jackets. hah so funny.
So this one time. I hop on the back of allis Jet ski, and my dad and his wife hop on the other and we go back into the trees haha and me and alli were goin and we lost my dad (we couldn't keep up with the crazy old man.) So were goin being careful we dont want to have a head on collision cause you can see nothing but the tree in front of you. And we were goin and accidentally ran into a full on log. So, the jet ski wont start haha. So i hop off and im diving under the jet ski and i pull a full on bush out... So we about to get it started and here comes my dad HAULING around the corner and ya know were about waving him down and he sees us and all of a sudden his jet ski stops instantly, HE HIT A SAND BAR. His wife about flew over him and he flew straight into the handle bars. (ahh that ones gonna hurt) As soon as i knew they were both alright, I started busting up laughing it was hilarious.
That's the Jist of The first half of the year...